Hayfever is absolutely kicking my butt right now
@endocrimes oh gosh.
@charlotte tempted to try this! At the moment I just use plain rclone to G’Drive
I think sometimes the latter is called “globbing” but it’s all too unnecessarily complicated
I get so frustrated when I never know if my regex needs .* as a wildcard or if I can use just * by itself.
@tessaracht oh wow, how long has this UI been out? I really remember Thunderbird as a bit of a relic
Rare photo of being grumpy! Thankfully she’s tucked in with a duvet and has a sea-life friend. #noxp
Really want to dye my hair purple for the first time… a little scared…
I have finally found an ADHD-friendly way to putting away clothes! (URL)
I love ice-cream in the rain… 🌧🍦
@Aman9das I get a strong butch vibe, but a lot of people seem to struggle to place this voice, it’s quite ambiguous!
I absolutely *love* the gender neutral Siri voice added in iOS 15.4 onwards! (Called Siri Voice 5, unofficially aka “Quinn”)
way too hot.
Summer: AAHHHH WASPS 🐝 it is so gooood!
gosh, getting up close with accessibility infrastructure in a very large british city has been… something
there was just some dude sitting in the accessible seat drinking a beer, headphones in and desperately trying to pretend to not see the person with crutches who can’t stand
ikea everything